Newsome Voices results

The Newsome Centre team and Newsome ward councillors, supported by volunteers and council staff, asked local people what they think about Newsome. We asked people who live in, work in or visit Newsome about what works now, how things might change in the future and what matters most to them. We used a tool called the “Place Standard” which encourages conversations about your local place, by using some simple questions.

Who participated?

People took part in conversations at local community events including the Growing Newsome Plant Swap and Berry Brow Carnival, along with sessions at the former St. John’s Church Lychgate, Hall Bower Sunday School and Hall Bower Athletic Club. Children from Newsome Junior School and Hillside Primary School, parents at a Berry Brow I&N School event and a range of local businesses also contributed their views.


citizens took part


Place Standard assessments were completed

What did people say about their place?

Have a look at our results summary to see what people said about Newsome:

Newsome Voices results summary (PDF)

Or see a quick summary of the suggestions from participants for each theme:

Newsome Voices theme ideas (PDF)

If you’d like, you can also look at the results in more detail by downloading our data:

What happens next?

Your Newsome ward councillors and the Newsome Centre team will use what we learn to help create an action plan for the area, working with people in Newsome.

If you’d like to find out more or get involved, or if you have any questions, please phone 01484 221000 (Kirklees Council) and ask for Cheryl Reid, or email:

Newsome Voices