Listening to Birstall results

We asked you what life in Birstall, Fieldhead, Cambridge Road and Nova is like. Over 200 people took part in our conversations. Together we used a tool called the “Place Standard”, which is a way of helping to get conversations going about any place (it could be your street, neighbourhood or town), by using some simple questions. We’d like to say thank you to everyone who took part.

Who participated?

Staff from local organisations, including Kirklees Council, and volunteers from the community talked to people about our area. We had conversations in many local places, including Birstall Library, Birstall Methodist Church, St Peter’s Church, Fieldhead Primary Academy and Birstall and Howden Clough Community Centres, We talked with local groups such as Age UK, Slimming World, Knit and Natter and the Job Club. We also had conversations at cafes, bus stops, shosp and local businesses, and on doorsteps. 62 people took part online.


citizens took part in the conversations


Place Standard assessments were completed

Highest scored themes

What did people say about their place?

Have a look at our results summary to see what people said about Birstall:

Listening to Birstall results summary (PDF)

If you’d like, you can also look at the results in more detail by downloading our data:


What happens next?

There will be some sessions in early 2020 to share the results with citizens in Birstall. Councillors, volunteers and staff will then use what we learn to help create an action plan.

If you’d like to get involved, you can contact the Kirklees Councillors for the Birstall and Birkenshaw ward, or contact Ashley Fothergill (Democracy Service, Kirklees Council). Email: or call 07870 610278.